Monday, August 27, 2012

Companies that mail out coupons

There are several companies that will mail you out coupons just by asking so. In my experience some of the coupons have been higher value (at least $1) and for free items.

Here are some companies I've requested coupons from lately and had some success:

These were the coupons I received just last week :)
Proctor & Gamble, Organic Meadow yogurt and Clover Leaf tuna

Mrs.January has an excellent list of more companies you can try contacting for coupons, including Colgate, Barbara's, Tetley, Eden's Organics, Chapmans and more!
Click here for her list. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

More Sobeys Gas Deals this Week

Starting today Sobeys has some great deals with gas again this week. They also have a few promotions where you buy one or two specific products and get another free. Check it out:

Free products

 Free Compliments juice with granola bar purchase.

Gas promotion items:

There is a coupon from the insert in this week's flyers for a buy one get one free of these Uncle Ben's meals. 

If you were lucky enough to catch the coupon that went live Aug 7 you can use it here (no longer available).

Smoked salmon - the picture isn't the greatest. 

Early June these guys had a coupon on facebook for $0.75 (no longer available)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Keep an eye open for this week's flyers

Coupons for 2x airmiles for both Sobeys and Lawtons

$70 worth of Smart Source coupons. (visit the link for even more printable coupons like Heinz baby food, Newman's salad dressing, Saputo cheese, Milk2Go, and Motts Garden Cocktail)

More Smart Source coupons will be available on Aug 25. Keep an eye out for a Ziploc one (I'm thinking there might be one as Ziploc is featured here on the cover). Ziploc has a promotion on now where you can get a $3 coupon for bread on specially marked boxes. Also, they're $1 off and on sale for $2.27 this week at Walmart. These containers are so handy for back to school sandwiches and snacks!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Gas AND Food Deals this Week!

Deals on gas at both Sobeys and Dominion this week.

Dominion has some pretty basic deals on all groceries this week. Sobeys has the gas deals too, and some bonus deals for gas on specific products. Some healthy choices too. See below for my top healthy pics from Sobeys:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dominion Dollar Deals

At Dominion over the weekend we grabbed up some good deals for a $1.

Lifestyle cookies, regular priced $3.69, on sale 2/$4
So $2 each + $1 coupon from the manufacturer = $1 and 73% savings

$3.99 Lipton tea 50% off + $1 Lipton Superfruit coupon (from a coupon trade) = $1 and 75% savings

7 PERFECTLY ripe bananas 50% off. Price paid $1.04 (Sometimes products are marked down to make room for the fresher produce. Keep your eyes peeled so to speak for these kinds of produce deals)!

What grocery deals have you gotten lately?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Where to find healthy coupons online

A big thanks to students Jillian and Jen for helping me to compile this list!

Canadian Coupon Websites
Types Available: Food & Drink, Health & Beauty, Sports & Fitness, etc.
Coupon Options: Reward Programs, In- Store Coupons
Types Available: Health & Beauty, Grocery, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable & Mail out Coupons, Coupon Codes, Contests
Types Available: Health & Beauty, Grocery, etc.
Coupon Options: E-mail Coupons, Printable Coupons, Promo Codes
Types Available: Grocery, Apparel, Household
Coupon Options: Printable & Mail out Coupons, Freebies, Daily Deals, Mail in Rebates
Types Available: Food & Drink, Health & Beauty, Sports, etc.
Coupon Options: Coupons, Promo Codes, Vouchers
Types Available: Health & Beauty, Food & Beverage, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons, Online Deals
Types Available: Grocery, Pharmacy
Coupon Options: Mail-Out Coupons
Types Available: Fitness & Wellness, Beauty, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons, E-mail Notifications

Types Available: Grocery, Health & Beauty, etc.
            Coupon Options: Printable Coupons

Types Available: Grocery, Health & Wellness
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons (sent to e-mail)

Types Available: Food & Gift, Health & Beauty, etc.
Coupon Options: Online Shopping Coupon Codes

Types Available: Grocery, Healthcare, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons

Canadian Coupon Websites with Forums/Blogs
           Types Available: Grocery, Pharmacy, Household
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons

Types Available: Grocery, Pharmacy, Household, Beauty & Health, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons, Freebies, Coupon Codes, Contests

Types Available: Food, Sports & Fitness, Health & Beauty, etc.
Coupon Options: Coupon Codes, Printable Coupons, Freebies, Rewards, Contests

Types Available: Grocery, Pharmacy, Household, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons

(Connects to other coupon sites)

Types Available: Restaurants, Sports & Fitness, Beauty & Wellness, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons, Forums

Types Available: Grocery, Restaurants, Health & Wellness, Beauty, etc.
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons, Promo Codes

Types Available: Grocery, Pharmacy
Coupon Options: Printable Coupons

Where do you get your coupons?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

75% off Whole Grain Kashi Crackers

We're members of the organic farm veggie co-op which (Yeah!) is starting this week. Needless to say there wasn't much I had planned to pick up in store. There was however one special item that caught my eye at Dominion. 
Kashi Snack Crackers. 
Regular Price $3.89, and on sale this week for $2.99

Not too long ago Kashi had a promotion on where you could request a $2 coupon from their site, which they mailed out. To me, as a dietitian this was not only a high value coupon ($2) but also a healthy one. Kashi crackers are one of the few available that are lower calories, higher fiber AND made with Whole Grains
Whole grains are really what you need to be looking for when purchasing any sort of grain product (e.g. cereal, cracker, bread, pita, etc). I've talked a bit about the goodness of whole grains in a previous post, so as a refresher you can see that here

Total spent for 3 boxes = $2.97 ($0.99 each)
Total value of food purchased = $11.67
SAVED $8.70

Monday, June 25, 2012

Nothing better for warm sunny weather than tubs of free ice cream

It's been a while since I've posted. Things around here have been pretty exciting, and expensive lately. A dream wedding, honeymoon and now back to reality and paying bills  :)

With all the excitement and preparation for those big life events there's been little time left for couponing and deal finding, but now that we're getting back into the normal routine, my healthy eating and money saving ways shall return. Here's a few deals I picked up over the weekend:

Sobeys Chapman Ice Cream. Regular price is up to $5.49 and this week on sale for $2.49
With the $5 coupon I was able to request from the company (yes, simply by sending a friendly 'hello, I like your products, can you please mail me a coupon) we got 2 tubs for free, saved $10.58 and made $0.02. 

Also picked up 2 cans of Alymer tomatoes. Not that I had planned to get them or really needed them, but just because it was a good deal. With the Websaver coupon from some time back we got both cans for $1, a $3.78 savings.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dominion Deals!

I picked up a few really good deals this week at Dominion.  

VH Indian Market sauces on sale for 2/$5 (a savings of $3.78).  If you clipped the coupons in the flyer inserts a few weeks back there was a coupon there buy 2 save $2.50.

Sale price + coupon saving = 
2 bottles for $2.50 and a savings of $6.28

Also a really good deal was the soy milk that I found discounted for 50% off in the Natural Value section.  Don`t always walk by the discounted merchandise because the expiry dates on stuff like this might surprise you.  It's not always for something that's about to expire in a day or so.  Often stores will have stock they need to clear out to make room for the new.  I'd say that's what happened here - the expirations were Aug-Oct 2012!

Price of the soy beverage = $1.12  (50% off)
rice for the 3 pack soy beverages = $1.50 (50% off)
PLUS we actually had a few coupons for the soy milks, so ended up paying only
$0.37 for some of the 946mL 
and $0.75 for the 3 pack!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Great Deals this Week for High Cholesterol

This week at Sobeys if you purchase a Becel Proactive margarine that's on sale you'll also get a free loaf of Compliments whole grain bread.

Did you know there is a difference between whole wheat and whole grain bread?  Yup, it's true.  Click here to learn more the difference.

Why is this good for cholesterol?  Plant sterols in the margarine and fibers in whole grains both, both help to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

Becel ProActive margarine $4.99 -$2 online coupon (no longer available)
Free whole grain Compliments loaf value $3.19

Total paid for 3 loaves and 3 margarines:  $8.97
Total value of foods purchased: $27.54

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Using Mail in Rebates & Coupons Together

 I found this mail in rebate (MIR) for Tropicana at Dominion. Some MIRs you have to use at a particular store, but this one you can use anywhere. I decided to use it at Sobeys. Basically if you purchase 3 Quaker products you'll get a free Trop50 (Stevia sweetened juice beverage).

The great thing about MIRs is that you can use them with coupons to get even better deals. 

For example with mine I used:
Sobeys coupons included with flyers (2 weeks ago)
free Quaker product coupon (a facebook promotion some time ago)

Quaker One Minute Oats 2 x $3.59 - 2 x $.50 Sobeys coupons
Quaker Oatmeal $3.49- free with facebook coupon
Trop 50 $4.99 - free with MIR

= $6.18 paid for $15.66 worth of food
a 61% savings!  :)))

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bran is Good!

All Bran bars are on sale at Sobey's this week for $2.00.  You usually see them at a sale price of 2/$5 or $2.50 each, however this week it's an even better deal.  I had a ton of All Bran coupons saved up from cereal boxes and sites online like Websaver. Each coupon totalling anywhere from $1-$2.

All Bran bars:
$2 x 6 boxes
-$1 coupon from cereal box x 4
-$1.50 coupon from Websaver
-$2 coupon from Kellogg's holiday box

Total paid $4.50

Total saved with coupons and sale = $ 13.44

I've found that saving coupons until you get the best deal possible is really the way to go.  Sales and deals will come and go so don't be in a rush to use a coupon. Chances are another sale will on next week and the prices could be even cheaper. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cheap, cheap yogurt!

Did anyone grab hold of the Activia coupons the website was mailing out a while back?  I used mine for the first time this weekend.  No Frills had some great deals on their yogurt.  It wasn't advertised in the flyer though (just another reason to make sure you've always got those coupons handy) :)

Each of the yogurts were marked down $2. The prices below were from the receipt, but I'm sure the in store price was marked $4.49 for the 12 pack - I'll need to watch the register a little better next time. (Often times if the cash rings in a item that is higher than the advertised price you'll get that item for free, or $ discounted from your total - it depends on store policy, but that's usually how it goes).

With the Activia online coupons we paid:
2 x 12 pack $5.99 -$2 = $3.99
2 x dessert pack (4's) $2.99 = free when you buy a 12 pack

Total paid = $7.98 for 4 individual packs of yogurt
(or the same as $1.99 each)
SAVED $17.98!

This promotion ended a while back, but you can get a $1 Activia coupon here 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

BOGO the deals

I always love when Sobeys has their BOGO sale.  It's a great time to use coupons on those items you are getting 2 for the price of 1.  This week we managed to use A LOT of coupons on sale items to save really big.  Probably one of our biggest savings in a grocery trip since I started couponing, saving 46% on our bill.  

Here's a list of what we picked up:
2 x Sunlight Laundry = $6.99 +BOGO
Lipton Tea Bags 100 count = $6.49 - $4 (free product) coupon
4 x SoyDream (regular $2.99 each) = 2x  $2.99 BOGO + 2x $1 on product coupons I found in store= out of pocket costs $0.99 each.  Fortified soy milk is an excellent alternate to regular cow milk, plus it often goes on sale and you can usually find coupons for it. 
Pam = $4.89 - $1 coupon
12 Lrg Eggs = $3.69 - $2 coupon when you buy Pam
Kraft Mooza Cheesestrings = $5.59 - free product coupon 
2 x Royale bath tissue = $6.99 + BOGO
Compliments Naan bread = $3.19 + BOGO
Crackerbarrel Old Cheddar Singles = $4.29 - free product coupon
4 x Alymer Accents Tomatoes =2 x $2.19 + BOGO -$1 coupon -2 x $.50 coupons = out of pocket costs $0.60 each. 
Kraft Dill Cream Cheese = $3.89 - free product coupon
Triscuit crackers = $2.79 - free product coupon
2 x Catelli Pasta Sauce = $2.99 + BOGO
Compliments 398ml Canned pineapple = $1.11
VH Stir-fry sauce = 2/$5
Baby Tomatoes = $3.97
Baby Bok Choy = $3.08
Oranges = $6.49 + BOGO Apples (value $5.47)
2 x English Cucumber = $2.99 + BOGO
Romaine Lettuce = $4.49

Total paid = $66.83 (we used a $25 gift card from the holidays, so we ended up paying $41.83 out of pocket) 
Total cost of items bought = $123.50
Savings = $56.67 (with gift card $81.67)

Essentially with our savings, it was like getting everything in this picture for free! :) 

If you're taking part in the BOGO sales this week some things to keep an eye out for:
BOGO Alymer tomotoes - some of the cans have $0.50 coupons on the labels
BOGO Soy Dream - some of the 946ml cartons have 41 peelie coupons attached

I noticed as well there were a lot of coupons on tear pads in Sobeys this week as well : Trop50 juice, Biobest drinkable yogurt, Asana yogurt, & Dempsters bagels we some of the few I picked up for future trips.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's been a while since I made a post.  I've been away a bit for work, but also, we've been using up some of the food that we've had in our cupboards and pantry as there haven't been that many great healthy food coupon deals lately (in my opinion at least)!

Here's some of the stuff we picked up this week with deals and coupons:

No Frills 
Total spent $17.77 
Coupon savings $9.14  (about 34% of total)
Savings from sales ? (maybe I should start figuring this out as they really have great deals here and I'm sure you can save a lot)!

Coupons used were for free Oasis (off a juice bottle some time back), free flavored tuna, $2 off Vector from Websaver, and $0.75 off Wonder + bread from flyer inserts.

All the veggies were $1, or $2 and beans 69 cents.  And who says you can't eat healthy on a budget??? :)

Shoppers amount spent for product seen $11.41

Free product coupons for kashi cereal (off box), kashi granola bars (when you buy the cereal) from websaver in the past, and Halls for $0.10 from facebook.

Tuna were all 99cents each, but if you wait until this weekend the unflavored Shopper brand goes on sale for 69cents- good deal!  

We ending up buying a few other things as well, and total coupon savings with sales and coupons at this store was $35.10.  Among that was Physicians Formula make-up, which right now there are high value mail in rebates for. Combine that with the current 40% off they have on now at Shoppers, you can not only eat great on a budget but look great too!

Monday, January 16, 2012

No Frills & Shoppers Deals this Week

Picked up GREAT deals this weekend which I'm excited to share!

Shoppers is a great place to get eggs for good prices.  Right now they're on sale for $2.59 (for 12).  If you combine that with the coupon that's out there now you can save $1 when you buy 2 dozen.

Some great cereal deals at No Frills now too.  If you were able to take advantage of the buy2get1free coupons for cereal just before the holidays this would be an excellent time to use them.  Here's how I made the most of mine:
Raisin Bran, on sale for $2
Raisin Bran, on sale for $2
Muselix, regular price $4.99 = FREE with Buy2 Raisin Bran box coupon
Rice Krispies, on sale $2 + $2.50 coupon in recent Kellogg's Holiday giftpack = $0.50 PROFIT
Rice Krispies Treats, regular price = FREE with Rice Krispies box purchase coupon
Buy3Save$3 coupon on shelf tear pad                               
 =$0.50 for all 5 boxes!!!
You might get questioned by the cashier, but the thing to remember and remind them is that you can use one original (and duplicate) coupon per item.  I.e. 4 coupons for the five different boxes above. 

Overall from No Frills & Shoppers on Saturday:

Total value of groceries seen= +$59.79
(I don't have all the regular prices accounted for in produce here, so savings may be actually higher)

Total paid, by using sales & coupons=$30.83
Over 51% savings!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Appreciation for Big Box Stores

As a dietitian I'm used to the popular notion that larger food packaging = increased likeliness to overeat, given it's a little harder to estimate proper portion size.  For this reason and the fact that you can usually get better coupon deals on smaller packaging, I've been avoiding the big box stores.  However, I was left with no choice this weekend when my fiancée decided to get new glasses at Costco.

Despite not being able to use the regular coupons (and only the ones in store), I can across some good produce and perishable deals, and am happy to say I look forward to shopping there again!

My favorite purchase?

Regular Yogurt (which is always cheaper than the flavoured btw)  2kg for only $5.49

The container is a little larger than the regular size we would see in the grocery store.  Based on some very rough calculations, it would be similar to paying $2.06 /tub 

There's a $55 membership fee, but if you have several mouths to feed and think you'll save more than that amount by shopping there/year it's certainly worth the initial investment 
- just remember to be conscious of portion size, and not eat more just because it's available!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year = New Resolution to Save Even More Grocery $$$

It's been a while since I last posted.  As I'm sure like everyone else, things have been pretty busy with the holidays and New Year.  Now that things are starting to get back to normal, and given it is a new year I've made it my mission even more to focus on buying healthy food for cheap.  Here's what I picked up this week and over the holidays:

All 3 of these were from free product coupons online or off product packaging.  The best thing?  They were all FREE.  I think this goes to show that using a coupon here or there can really pay off

Original cost of those items= $5.49 +$4.99+ $2.99  = $13.47 savings

Oh, and as you can probably see from the picture the cereal came with $5 worth of Kellogg's coupons too!  Profit $5

The other thing I've been buying a lot of lately is 50% off foods.  I've been surprised to find that many times they are actually fairly good quality.  I'm also shopping later in the night, which by observation seems to be when most products are marked 50% off.  Perhaps it's to sell off day old bread and other foods nearing their Before Before date.  So be sure to check the 50% racks!  I bought bananas a over the holidays that were in a 50% off bag that were yellow, not brown, because the store was making room for the overly ripe green ones.  I'll take some yellow bananas over green any day!

The best thing about 50% off food is when you can combine a coupon, or purchase something 50% that is on sale you save even more $$$.  

It's my fav way to get grocery deals for cheap :)

Some of my fav deals over the holidays?

Hummus on the left was regular $3.99. 50% off this + $0.75 coupon made it only $1.25, 69% savings.   
Lettuce on the right was on sale for $0.98.  50% off that came to $0.49, 75% savings from the regular price.  

Cheers to health and saving money in 2012!!!
