All 3 of these were from free product coupons online or off product packaging. The best thing? They were all FREE. I think this goes to show that using a coupon here or there can really pay off
Original cost of those items= $5.49 +$4.99+ $2.99 = $13.47 savings
Oh, and as you can probably see from the picture the cereal came with $5 worth of Kellogg's coupons too! Profit $5
The other thing I've been buying a lot of lately is 50% off foods. I've been surprised to find that many times they are actually fairly good quality. I'm also shopping later in the night, which by observation seems to be when most products are marked 50% off. Perhaps it's to sell off day old bread and other foods nearing their Before Before date. So be sure to check the 50% racks! I bought bananas a over the holidays that were in a 50% off bag that were yellow, not brown, because the store was making room for the overly ripe green ones. I'll take some yellow bananas over green any day!
The best thing about 50% off food is when you can combine a coupon, or purchase something 50% that is on sale you save even more $$$.
It's my fav way to get grocery deals for cheap :)

Some of my fav deals over the holidays?
Hummus on the left was regular $3.99. 50% off this + $0.75 coupon made it only $1.25, 69% savings.
Lettuce on the right was on sale for $0.98. 50% off that came to $0.49, 75% savings from the regular price.
Cheers to health and saving money in 2012!!!
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